Pluto in Aquarius ♒ 2023-2044
artist: María Jesús Contreras March 23, 2023 – Jan 19, 2044 I can’t believe I just typed the year 2044 above but it’s true y’all, that’s how long Pluto is going to be in air sign Aquarius. We are exiting the very long Pluto-in-Capricorn chapter (Jan 2008-present) and entering The Age of Aquarius. Pluto has

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus ♉️ Oct 28, 2023
artist: Yoko Tanji (aka Sicca) Saturday, Oct 28 @ 1:24 pm PST Happy full moon! Happy lunar eclipse! The October full moon is called the Hunter’s Moon. The moon will rise at sunset, peak at midnight and set at sunrise all over the world. Eclipses can be full or partial. The earth’s shadow consists of two parts:

Mars in Scorpio ♂ 2023
artist: Willian Santiago Oct 11 – Nov 24, 2023 With Mars in Libra since late August, we have been more focused than ever on interpersonal relationships and community. This transit brings an influx of love, peace, balance, and harmony to our lives. Mars in Scorpio takes us on a completely different journey, beneath the surface of

First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius #2 ☽ Sep 22, 2023
artist: Graham Franciose Friday, Sep 22 ☽ 12:32 pm PDT Just 12 hours before the Fall Equinox/demarcation between Virgo & Libra Season, we have round 2 of the first quarter moon in mutable fire sign Sagittarius. Round 1 was Aug 24, the day after Virgo Season + Mercury Retrograde began. This waxing moon prepares us for yet another super full

Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus 🐮 2023
Sep 4 – Dec 30, 2023 artist: Ori Toor Planets in retrograde are not moving backwards – it is an optical illusion as seen from Earth. Click here to learn more about retrograde motion. Jupiter turns retrograde for 4 months each year. Jupiter Retrograde is when we go back and revisit lessons of a spiritual or philosophical nature.

Super Blue Moon in Pisces 🐳 Aug 30, 2023
Wed, Aug 30 6:35 pm PDT The last Super Full Moon in Pisces occurred in Aug 2015. This year’s Supermoon in Pisces is also a blue moon as it is the second full moon in the month of August. Happy Super Blue Full Moon! Autumn is coming ~ Welcome to Virgo Season and the full moon

Mars in Libra ♂ 2023
Aug 27 – Oct 11, 2023 Artist: Moki Mioke With Mars in Virgo since early July, brain and body have been massively stimulated. Life appears to be moving even more quickly. Mars in Virgo gives us direction and ambition. This is not a time to sit back and watch the world go by. There is a

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo ☿ 2023
artist: Amahi Mori Mercury enters Virgo: July 28 Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: Aug 23 – Sep 15 Mercury enters Libra: Oct 4 Planets in retrograde are not spinning backwards. Retrograde motion is an optical illusion. In astrology, this illusion manifests as a “backwards” functioning of the planets in their respective roles. Click here to learn more about retrograde.

Venus Retrograde in Leo ♀ 2023
artist: Yuko Higuchi Venus enters Leo: June 5 Venus Retrograde in Leo: July 22 – Sep 3 Venus enters Virgo: Oct 8 Venus was last retrograde in Leo 8 years ago, from July 31-Sep 6, 2015. Planets in retrograde are not actually spinning backwards. It’s just an optical illusion as seen from Earth. In astrology, this

Mercury in Leo ☿ 2023
artist: Kiyoshi Saito July 10 – 28, 2023 With Mercury in Cancer for the last week, we’re striving for gentler, softer communication. This includes self-communication as we carefully yet earnestly ask ourselves the hard questions. Are you listening to your heart? This is a divine opportunity to heal, to let the heart inform the mind of what

Mars in Virgo ♂ 2023
artist: Erwin Lichtenegger & Lore Kutschera July 10 – Aug 27, 2023 With Mars in Leo since late May, we are strengthening our relationship with ourselves. We are becoming more resilient and independent. Mars in Leo is also about friendship, creativity, and loyalty. Let’s take this fire with us on the next journey. Are you

Super Buck Moon in Capricorn 🐐 July 3, 2023
artist: Kate Stomber Monday, July 3 @ 5:38 am CDT It’s been nothing but lunar eclipses and supermoons since 2018 when it comes to full moons in Capricorn, and here we are with yet another supermoon. Sooo much deep emotional work taking place in this constellation over the last few years. The July full moon is

Mars in Leo ♂ 2023
artist: Broken Fingaz May 20 – July 10, 2023 Mars: fiery warrior of the solar system, ruler of the body, health, sex, and will power. With Mars in Cancer since late March, we have been slowly, painfully reconnecting with our creativity and emotional life. Mars in Cancer exposed our most tender yearnings for love, home,

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 🦂 May 5, 2023
“The Queen of the Night” by Karl Friedrich Schinkel Friday, May 5 @ 11:22 am CDT Happy full moon, happy lunar eclipse, and happy Lunar Beltane! The May full moon is called the Flower Moon. It is sometimes also called the Hare Moon, Corn Planting Moon, or Milk Moon. The moon will rise at sunset, peak

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus ☿ 2023
artist: Nash Weerasekera Mercury enters Taurus: Apr 3 Mercury Retrograde in Taurus: Apr 21 – May 14 Mercury enters Gemini: June 11 Planets in retrograde are not actually spinning backwards – it is an optical illusion as seen from Earth. Backwards motion appears to happen when Earth passes slower moving planets in the outer solar system. In astrology,