Sagittarius Yoga

Sagittarius rules the liver, hips, thighs, pelvis and femurs.
Prana vayu : vyana // Ayurvedic dosha : kapha – according to Vedic astrology, but I would also say pitta
Meditation : svadhisthana (sacral chakra)
Ujjayi (ocean breath) : Ujjayi is similar to the breath we use to fog a mirror, but with lips closed instead. Consciously constrict the throat and pull belly to spine with every exhale. This produces an ocean-like sound.
Asana :
- trikonasana (triangle pose) / parivrtta trikonasana (revolved triangle pose)
- natarajasana (dancer pose)
- parsvottanasana (pyramid pose) / parivrtta parsvottanasana (revolved pyramid pose)
- utthan pristhasana (lizard pose)
- any hip openers