Venus Retrograde in Leo ♀ 2023
artist: Yuko Higuchi Venus enters Leo: June 5 Venus Retrograde in Leo: July 22 – Sep 3 Venus enters Virgo: Oct 8 Venus was last retrograde in Leo 8 years ago, from July 31-Sep 6, 2015. Planets in retrograde are not actually spinning backwards. It’s just an optical illusion as seen from Earth. In astrology, this

Mercury in Leo ☿ 2023
artist: Kiyoshi Saito July 10 – 28, 2023 With Mercury in Cancer for the last week, we’re striving for gentler, softer communication. This includes self-communication as we carefully yet earnestly ask ourselves the hard questions. Are you listening to your heart? This is a divine opportunity to heal, to let the heart inform the mind of what