Full Moon in Aquarius #2
Aug 22, 2021
artist: Ambers Textiles Sunday, Aug 22 at 5:02 am PST Just 9 hours before Virgo Season begins, we have another full moon in Aquarius. That’s right y’all, get ready for round 2. We just had a Full Moon in Aquarius on July 23. Sometimes we get 2 full moons in a row in the same constellation

Mercury in Virgo ☿ 2021
artist: Sander Berg Aug 11-29, 2021 Mercury lives in the mind, communication, and throat chakra. Now we get to experience mercuriality in its most quintessential form, as Mercury rules the constellation of Virgo (and Gemini), the busy bees of the zodiac. Also in Virgo at this time: Mars, Venus, and soon the sun as well. Virgo Season begins

Full Moon in Aquarius
artist: Thalia Took Every year during Leo Season we gather beneath a full moon in change-maker Aquarius. I cannot overstate the unpredictable nature of Aquarius. Imagine the most shocking, unexpected moments of your life (both negative and positive!) – that’s how unforeseen Aquarius can be. The Full Moon in Aquarius comes in like a dash