Solar Eclipse in Aquarius ♒ Feb 15, 2018
Thursday, Feb 15 at 12.50pm PST Greetings earthlings. Happy new moon! Happy solar eclipse! Eclipses represent the dawning of a new age. They take us from light to darkness back to light again. They suggest, by virtue of their potency, a radical shift. Something is subsumed, transmuted. The meaning of any solar eclipse is rebirth.
Super Blue Lunar Eclipse in Leo 🐱 Jan 31, 2018
Art: “The Nemean Lion” by John Martineau Wednesday, Jan 31 at 5:30am PST This full moon is a blue moon, supermoon and total lunar eclipse – holy shit! (Blue moon means two full moons in one calendar month – this one is extra cool because it’s the first time in 150 years that the blue