Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn #2 🐐 Apr 19, 2017
Wednesday, Apr 19 at 3.00am PST The moon will rise at midnight, peak at dawn and set at noon. If you view the moon at midnight, the Sun will be positioned directly beneath your feet. Staring at the moon during this time will align you so that you are looking right out (approximately) along the

Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius ♄ 2017
Apr 5 – Aug 25, 2017 Planets in retrograde are not actually spinning backwards – it is entirely an optical illusion as seen from Earth. Backwards motion appears to happen when Earth passes slower moving planets in the outer solar system. In astrology, this illusion manifests as a “backwards” functioning of the planetary roles. Click here to learn
Venus Retrograde in Pisces ⚢ 2017
Apr 2–15, 2017 Planets in retrograde are not actually spinning backwards – it is entirely an optical illusion as seen from Earth. Backwards motion appears to happen when Earth passes slower moving planets in the outer solar system. In astrology, this illusion manifests as a “backwards” functioning of the planetary roles. Click here to learn more about retrograde.